Monday, November 03, 2008

No stork in sight...

Looks like our stork is walking all the way from China!!!

Ok, stork, I'm running out of patience here...flap those wings and get your feathered self up in the air and headed this way!

It's Monday night and not a juicy rumor to be found out there. If Rumor Queen isn't reporting some good news by tomorrow, I may start loosing hope for this week and I really don't want to go there. Come on CCAA, get those referrals in the air!


Kim said...

Watch out.. when you least expect that little thing he will come flying at you at full speed.. But I am sure you will be ready..
keep your chin up you are at the end of this wait.. and on to the beginning of an amazing journey..
Hugs girly..

frogglet said...

Here storky storky! All fingers crossed here.

OziMum said...

I feel your frustration!!! Maybe not quite as much as you... unlike you, I don't know if our Mini will be flying in the next day or two!!!

Can't wait to see Lauren! Hope she lands very very soon!

Maybe you should leave some bread crumbs out on the lawn tonight?!!

Catherine said...

Here storky, storky!!

Ladybugsmom said...

I think by Thursday you will know your little Lauren...savor these last "contractions" it won't be long and let me tell you what life will never ever be the same. It will change to lightening speed and if you can remember what you did 2 hours ago that will be good. Buckle up "Momma" life is about to bloom right before your eyes!

Lili said...

I am watching for your stork with ya.....FLY!!!!!! It is gonna be good.

Anonymous said...

Come on Stork, we are sending good thoughts from Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada for you. We can't wait to see your sweet Lauren's face.

Shauna and MacLean
xo we are wearing ladybugs for you Donna!

Carol said...

see that is how we were...we gave up on being that day and bam...there was the call.....ok so lets go CCAA!!!

the mommy said...

Don't give up hope I still think by Thursday you will have Lauren's referral...

Jenn said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you-it's got to be this week!!!

Karen said...

UGH! Hurry up stork!! We need to see Lauren!

Elise said...

I am sure you have checked today...but I just read a good rumor from RQ. Hope it is true for you!!!

Sofie said...

me too - tomorrow? possibly? I can't wait!

Anonymous said...


Dominic says Hi AND WE ARE THINKING OF YOU! :) Laura, Dan and Domi

Sean and Mic said...

Hang in there, Donna- you are minutes or hours away from seeing her sweet face. I could not get anything done the week of our referral, and everyday it seemed to stretch out and was making me crazy. We finally got the call at 11:30 am on Friday- and let me tell you, I got nothing done that entire week at work!! So, here is to hoping and wishing that you do not have to wait until the end of the week. Plus, I know you won't beleive this now, but once you see her face, nothing will ever be the same. The long wait does not disappear from memory- it jsut goes away, and is replaced with thoughts of going to China and packing lists, and diapers, and good ticket prices, etc.... We are waiting anxiously with you in bloggy land.

Dana said...

Donna -- I drive by AHH's office daily and wanted to wait out there with a camera for you today! I hear the stork may be on its way!! Let us know! Yeah!

Kim :) said...

I am stalking your blog waiting for a picture to appear! It won't be long now... Hang in there!

Lisa and Tate said...

I have been waiting all day.... can't wait to see Lauren's face!!! So excited!

Ladybugsmom said...

I can't wait...let us know.

M3 said...

Can't wait!!!! I've seen two Feb 17 families post referrals now. Come on stork!!

Tammy said...

OMG, you must be sitting on the edge of your seat. Hopefully by now you're staring at your daughter's face and can't put it down to post about how lovely she is.

Anonymous said...

I just checked out your blog and saw such an adorable face on your header and got excited. Hopefully you will get to fill it in with your little face this week.
