Late Monday night at an emergency animal hospital, we had to say good-bye to our sweet Addy. Her heart was giving out and it was time to let her go.
She has left a huge hole in our hearts. She was so sweet and gentle, but stubborn and strong at the same time. She never let us skip any of her twice daily walks and would always let us know when it was time to eat or if she was hungry for a treat. She beat cancer and lived more than two years beyond what was predicted. It just wasn't her time to go back then and she knew it. She had more life to live.
Addy was over 13 years old and she lived a long and very full life. It was SO incredibly hard to lean over and kiss her good-bye, but we knew it was time. It's still hard to accept that she is gone and we will miss her terribly.
She has left a huge hole in our hearts. She was so sweet and gentle, but stubborn and strong at the same time. She never let us skip any of her twice daily walks and would always let us know when it was time to eat or if she was hungry for a treat. She beat cancer and lived more than two years beyond what was predicted. It just wasn't her time to go back then and she knew it. She had more life to live.
Addy was over 13 years old and she lived a long and very full life. It was SO incredibly hard to lean over and kiss her good-bye, but we knew it was time. It's still hard to accept that she is gone and we will miss her terribly.

Good-bye, sweet girl, we love you!
I'm sorry for the loss of your sweet Addy. Only someone who has loved a pet can truly understand what you are going through. May the wonderful memories bring a smile to your face often.
Oh no. And right before Christmas. I'm so sorry Donna. So sorry.
I am so sorry for your loss of Addy... She is so pretty... My heart and prayers go out to you...
Hugs to you girly
Donna and Joe ~
I am so sorry for your loss. You both are in my thoughts and prayers.
Addy was the epitome of
"sweetheart". She'll be missed by all of us who knew her. I can picture her pouncing around the Rainbow Bridge with all the other doggies that have gone before her.
Goodbye, Addy.
Oh shoot Donna, I'm so very sorry. This is one of the hardest things to go through. Sending good thoughts your way.
That is just awful, I am so very sorry. I know how much she meant to you.
Oh, Donna, I am so very sorry. She is beautiful and I understand how dear your pets can be. We lost our big dog and our two cats this year and I still am not over it... she always will have a special place in your heart...
Big Hug
Donna, I know the loss of Addy has left a huge hole in your heart and in Joe's. I'm sure the house will seem extra quiet for a while... Know that you both are in our thoughts, and if you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask.
I'm very sad for your loss. Thinking of you!
Very sorry to hear about losing your sweet girl. I hope she is running and playing in dog heaven.
So sorry, Donna & Joe.
Don & Be (and Diva)
Take comfort in knowing that she knew she was loved. She looks very sweet. I'm sorry it happened now, but no more pain.
I lost my cat 5 years ago and it was like losing a child. I still miss him.
I am so sorry.
Praying for all of you.
Donna and Joe, I am soo sorry for your loss. I know your heart just aches. There is just never enough time with our furry babys and saying goodbye is just too hard.
Here is a little poem for Addy
We Only Wanted You
They say memories are golden well maybe that is true.
We never wanted memories, we only wanted you.
A million times we needed you, a million times we cried.
If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died.
In life we loved you dearly, In death we love you still.
In our hearts you hold a place no one could ever fill.
If tears could build a stairway and heartache make a lane,
We'd walk the path to heaven and bring you back again.
Our family chain is broken, nothing seems the same.
But as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again.
Author unknown.
Sending you lots of love and hugs! But most of all, I'm sending my Alex, my first furry princess to find Addy. She's keep her good company. All my sympathies.
So sorry for your loss. Sending you panda hugs and keeping you and Addy in my prayers.
So sorry! It is obvious how much the two of you loved her. I lost my dear cat of 15+ years about 6 months before we adopted Lily. I tried to view it as part of God's preparation for our beautiful daughter. Remember Addy fondly.
We were sad to read the news about Addy. Our thoughts and prayers are with both of you. It brought tears to our eyes when we read your post.
Im so sorry to hear about Addy. We recently had to make the same decision with our Bailey and it sure does leave a hole in the heart.
Oh I am so, so sorry! It is so hard. Sending you all huge hugs and good thoughts and thinking of all the beautiful pictures and stories you've shared of sweet Addy.
Oh, Donna....I'm so sorry. That is so hard. Your poor, sweet girl. May God grant you His peace, my friend.
Awww - she's beautiful. May 13 years of memories, bring joy to your heart.
Donna, I am so very sorry for your loss. I adored Addy when I met her and admired her calm yet regal way. She was a precious angel. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Take care, Laura
I am so sorry about your precious
Doggie!!!! It's so hard when this
type of thing happens. I cant
imagine what you must be going
thru!! Our Dog is our family!!
I always say to Kelly that it's
not fair, why cant they have the
same life span is ours!!
I look forward to meeting you after
the holidays!!! Please give me a
Sindy, Kelly, & Allie
Donna -I'm so sorry.
I am so sorry you had to do that - it was a very selfless act... the usual thing being said... at least Addy is out of any kind of pain... I had to do the same thing with my cat Garfield who was 18 yrs old... take care...
I know just how you feel. Even when you know it's the right time, it's so hard to let them go. I still miss my sweet Taylor.
Oh no, Donna. I am so very sorry. I'm keeping you all close in my thoughts and sending big hugs your way.
I am so very sorry for your loss.
She is just beautiful.
Wishing you healing and peace.
Oh Donna. I'm heartsick for you. I know how you are feeling right now and it is so hard. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your beautiful Addy. Hugs to you.
Oh Donna and Joe- I am so very sorry! I know how much you will miss your girl! Crying as I type this.
Oh friend...I'm so sorry - this is so sad. I'm so sorry you are having to face this.
Sweet Addy...
I can't imagine what it's like but Pearly and I send our hugs your way!
I am so sorry for your loss and your pain.
My sympathies.
i'll always miss amanda. remember those 13 years.
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