The CCAA was closed during the first week of February 2006. Because of the closure, this batch is actually four days worth of LID's although it's a LOT of movement on the calendar (as you can see on my sidebar countdown calendar).
There are now ONLY six LID days to go. So, when will we get our referral? There is a remote possibility of next month, but that would mean they would have to do a six day batch right on top of this four day batch. I don't think that's very likely. I think it's much more likely that we may be in for November or December at the latest. Finally, I feel I can say that we will DEFINITELY have our referral by the end of the year! What an awesome way to start the new year!!
I have a feeling that the next few months will be the craziest part of this roller coaster ride so far. I feel like I finally need to kick things into high gear and work on some things like: our packing list, finishing our agency required educational points, finishing up some reading I've been meaning to do, taking that baby CPR class. The list goes on...where have the past 30 months gone? HA!
I think you better get everything done in the next 30 days...
We are going to see Lauren Elizabeth next month...
Don't full yourself...
Better get ready..
I am sooo happy for you..
So very happy for you and Cabana Boy!
I can't wait!!! I'm pulling for next month!!!
So very exciting. I'm with Tiffany, next month sounds goooood!!!!!!!!
oh I don't think you'll be waiting 'till November or December...I think your referral is coming in October. :)
You are the first person I thought of when I heard how far they got this month. Get working on that packing now, not just the list, but the actual packing. You can do lots of stuff ahead of time. Go on, get to it! You may be next girlie!
I am so glad you are finally able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is hard to imagine you will not have her sweet picture by Christmas.
the optimistic side of me thinks you might want to play it safe and be ready for a speedy referral.
MANY positives about this batch.
I think the fact that they sent referrals both before and after the Olympics is positive.
While it was just 4 actual log in days the first day or so back after the holiday must have been kind of big? I would think they had files arriving during the holiday, just waiting to be logged in.
The 22 days between referrals Was a nice, really positive surprise.
Yeah I think you better make sure you are Lauren ready.
Giggles and excitement way up in Canada for you!!!! I can't wait till it's finally YOUR turn!!!!! :)
At last. Thank God the wait is finally nearly at an end for you guys!
Freak out!!! It will be next month! I just know it! IF not then for sure in Nov.... SO excited for you and Cabana Joe.
I am certainly betting you'll see Lauren next month! You HAVE to!!! Coz then we see Mini the following month?!!!
I'm absolutely peaking! So excited to cross off 9 days!
You're so close friend! One of the first things I did after picking myself up off the floor was come here to check your LID. October or November will be your month! Doing the happy dance for you!
I may borrow your calendar idea in my sidebar if you don't mind. It's so neat to see the days crossed off!!
Whoa!!!! :-)
Oh my Gosh is right! Sooooooo excited for you guys!
I can only imagine how you must be feeling right about now. We are so excited for you and Joe!!!
I'm thinking you might want to add or expand Lauren's closet space because Lauren is soon to be coming HOME! :) And you'll need to do more shopping!
Close! You all are CLOSE!!!
Get everything done now, once you see her/their face your brain will turn to mush!
Not that crazy a possibility! Hoping that the surprises and good things keep coming!
Keep smilin!
Oh my gosh, that is so wonderful Donna and Joe. We can't wait to see your sweet baby and for you to finally go to get her and start your life together. Take care and sweet dreams.
Shauna and MacLean
I'm so glad that your baby is on the "horizon" and within sight! Hoping so much for next month! That way you might be in China for the best Christmas present ever! We hope to be there too...
Keep on keepin' on!
Im with Isabella's Mom, I think
October's your month Donna!!!
Take care & Lots of hugs,
Sindy & Allie
Can I tell you how excited I am for you!!! As soon as I read from another blog that it got to the 9th I was SOOO HAPPY for you!!!
I am PRAYING for a BIG month next month!!!
It could be next month! It could! It could!
Great News!!!! We cannot wait to see apicture of our new cousin:)
So exciting. I got a little choked up reading this Donna.
Come on China!! Give this woman her referral!
OMG,OMG,OMG....my advice is do whatever you can now...once you get your picture you will lose your mind...in a good way, but oh my pre travel...it was hectic. Being a new Mom is challenging but oh my pretravel whoooweee. Can't wait!
I'm so hoping you get your referral in oct but, if not, you know it will be in november. You will absolutely have a pic of your child and will probably have her in your arms THIS year!!! Finally, our long wait is coming to an end. Yeah Feb 2006 families, its our turn now!
susan aka ladeeesquire
y'all are soooo pregnant right now....juse please don't buy any more outfits! LOL
WOW WOW WOW! Not much longer now! We are anxiously waiting with you. ;-)
I am so excited for you. I am hoping you will hear something next month!
Finally, the end is in sight! We'll be cheering when you land here in China. November is a wonderful time to travel, the weather was great when I went to get Abbey. So I am hoping you get your referral sooooon. You deserve such huge blessings for surviving this wait, and they are coming your way girl.
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