Saturday, March 04, 2006

Tis the season...

to gain 5lbs on Girl Scout Thin Mints!!! These things are the work of the devil!!! My boxes are currently sitting in the deep freeze and every time I walk by the fridge I hear them calling. I can pass on all the other varieties of GS cookies, but the Thin Mints just do me in. If I grab a tube and sit down at the computer, the entire tube is gone before I even get through my favorite blogs. Thank God I'm smart enough not to bring in the whole box!

Now they even have recipes using Thin Mints. Like we all really need a new way to eat them...we don't already eat enough!!!

Come on guys, I can't be the ONLY one who can eat a tube without even batting an eye.


Elle said...

I am with you on the Thin Mints. I bought 3 boxes a couple of weeks ago. They didn't last 3 days! I couldn't help myself.

Love to see a 100 Facts about you list! I didn't think I could do it either.

Stephanie said...

I am a samoa girl, but my mom goes nuts for the thin mints. Either case, I would probably be better off not even buying them, but who can resist!

By the way, I LOVE the background squares on your blog. How the heck did you do that??

Jacquie said...

I love 'em too! Which is why I only bought one box. I got a recipe from my girl Paula Deen using thin mints and I'm gonna make them so I can try them and then take them to work where they'll get eaten by someone other than me!

Have you tried the new Cafe Cookies from the G.Scouts? They're really good. It said a serving was five cookies so I was eating them five at a time. I finally took the box to work to give it away.

Kim said...

You are SO not alone! I prefer my Thin Mints frozen and I can also eat an entire sleeve in one sitting. What are these recipes using Thin Mints? Heaven help us.

Ava Baby said...

Thin Mints are my favorite as well. I decided to keep all my GS cookies at the office this year. Now, if you're thinking I did this to share with friends/coworkers that stop by my office, you'd by wrong (except of course you, Donna :)- I'd share with you). Michele

Colleen said...

I like the Thin Mints, but my downfall are the Tagalongs. The cookie covered with peanut butter and then the whole thing covered in chocoalate.

:::afk to unbury the box from the cupboard:::

Lindsey said...

OMG u are not alone! we have like 10 boxes of different kinds of girl scout cookies in our pantry and i am a sucker for the peanut butter sandwich ones..i cant get enough!!LOL

Christi and Abbey said...

I love frozen thin mints but do not buy them because I will not have the self control to resist. My dear former roommate would buy boxes of GS cookies and keep them in the freezer for months and months. Although I miss Lindi, I am glad her cookies are gone!

Lisa and Tate said...

Thin MINTS???? Hmmmmm.... It think it should be called FAT MINTS!!!! I have a hard time resisting this temptation... Who am I foolin'??!!!! I have a hard time with ALL TEMPTATIONS!!!! I better console myself, would someone please pass me a tube of THIN MINTS???? I am pathetic!!!


Gen said...

I've been avoiding the little cookie monsters at the store. My weaknesses are the thin mints and the creamy peanut butter ones covered in chocolate..the coconut ones aren't bad either------oh mannnn, i'm caving into temptation by just thinking about them.

M said...

Thin mints are the best non-homemade cookie out there - I can eat a whole box without realizing it, too. They are SO good!

MrsFortune said...

Okay - I'm with Kim ... I LOVE them frozen!!! Last night I crumbled some up and mixed them in with my ice cream ... wow, that was a taste treat not to be missed.

I really like your blog by the way ... first time reader. :)