Monday, October 09, 2006

New York, New York...

My brother and his family are in New York visiting my Dad and sent some photos. I thought I'd share a few with you...

World Trade Center site...

Cross at the site...
Sculpture that was originally in the plaza at the Trade Center...

When I was back in New York a couple of years ago, I got to see the site in person and it truly is heart wrenching. I've been up in the towers several times over the years and to be at the spot where they used to stand is just surreal. I can't imagine how New Yorkers who pass the site on a daily basis must feel.


C's Mom said...

Sobering. I have not stood at the site. I can only imagine the palpable energy that must be there.

Middle-Aged Moi said...

I try to imagine our city's skyline completely changed- it's a weird feeling. An even worse one to stand at the site where thousands died. Sigh. Sometimes these things are just too painful.

Janet T.

Colleen said...

Whoa....thats heavy duty. I really haven't seen any close up pics since the day. It still makes me so teary when think too much about it.

Kim M. said...

thanks for sharing the pictures Donna. I really need to go to Ground Zero.

Lisa and Tate said...

I was a Ground Zero 1 month after the attack. Smoke was still rising from the site and the subways. The smell was undiscribable. The pictures along the walkways... heart wrenching. Somber reminders that life is so fragile.. live it to the fullest....Thank you for the reminder.


Dawn and Dale said...

I've never been to NY but I watched for months CNN nonstop after the attacks.

Thank you for sharing. It's still just as sad now as it was years ago.
