It slipped right by without any notice, but this past Sunday we have been logged in for 10 months! Wow, that sounds like a long time when I say it.
I am anxiously awaiting this month's batch to see how far they get. I still haven't given up all hope that they could start matching a month's worth of LID's each month at any time (a girl CAN dream). I also can't wait to be out of review. I know the new guidelines aren't supposed to be in effect until May 2007, but I will still feel a lot better when I see the CCAA's website updated to reviewed through February.
Me too....being in the double digits is no fun when it comes to this!
Happy 10 Month LID-iversary!
It is bittersweet but close nevertheless.
Keep smilin!
I think 10 is pretty darn good! Before you know it you will be on deck to receive your referral. We are so happy you are so far along, you keep our hope alive (we are in Month 1!). ;)
HOORAY HOORAY! You are twice as far as we are! Congrats! Hang in there, it's a coming.....
PS- Have a great Christmas!
Happy 10. I hope it isnt much more than that!
Happy 10!!! I am SOOOO with you on the matching whole month thing. A Christmas miracle!
Happy 10th Anniversary!!! We're about to hit our 2 month one (our agency doesn't let us start counting until the first whole month after LID) It has gone both faster and slower than I thought it would.
Happy #10!
Happy 10 and I think we will all be anxiously awaiting to see what will come in this next month's referrals!
10??? Happy tenth LID!!! WE ARE GETTING CLOSER!!!
Woohooo on hitting double digits! Happy 10 month LID!
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