Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Comfort food...

Well, my hubby is out this evening and I'm in the mood for comfort food. Hummm...I think this will do.

I know, I know...it's packed with fat and sodium, but there's no turning back now since those little elbow macaroni's are boiling away this very moment. This is the good stuff too...not that nasty cheese powder that the kids get...this is the cheese sauce, baby!


Colleen said...

Not bad, but tomato soup and grilled cheese is the ultimate comfort food! Goes down better with cold, rainy weather, though. But we wouldn't know what that's like, would we?

Lisa and Tate said...

Love the MAC!!! Almost as much as PEEPS!!! Lauren is not going to eat the powdered MAC if you spoil her with this GOURMET MAC!!!


Gen said...

I love eating junk food when sean's not around...I don't have to worry about blinking and all the good food being gone ;)