I didn't really get any digital scrapbooking done. I messed around a little bit with some pages, but was having a MAJOR mental block. I think I need to sit down and really think about how I would like to set up Lauren's first year book, which will also serve as a life book. Where do I want to start? What do I want to say? I need to get my thoughts in order before I start. If anyone is putting together a similar book, I would love to hear your ideas.

I hope all my Blogville friends don't think I'm constantly running off and leaving my poor hubby behind. Joe started a new job this past year and only has five vacation days left this year, which we are saving for a trip. I, on the other hand, have TONS of vacation time so I figured I might as well use some up and have some fun. Sorry, Joe!
One of my FAVOURITE sounds is the wind blowing through the trees! Have fun in Carlsbad!
Have a great time with that vacay...don't let it go to waste :)
I hear ya...in this heat, you have to get away while you can, with or w/o the hubby! have fun! I am just excited to get to sedona next week where the high is only 100.
I miss living in CA because of the beach and the wine. I don't miss the LA traffic. Have fun. I totally understand ditching hubby. I do it all summer long but that's because I live in the south and go north for nicer summers.
The trip North with the Pine and the cooler days and nights sound great!!! Have a terrific time in S Cal. I just love Sea World!!!
I bought on line somewhere a book that teaches you how to do a lifebook for your child adopted from China. I can't think of the name or author right now, but it was a little manual with ideas on what to say, what to capture, how to word it, etc. Good writing techniques, etc. I think it will help you organize (which is the hardest part)
I'll get the name and get it to you.
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