Thanks, everyone, for all the great advice on our packing list! We went to Walmart this morning to pick up a few items that were suggested. We got a powder formula dispenser, plastic tongs for removing items from hot water when cleaning, travel squeeze bottle for liquid dish soap, Gerber baby prunes and apple/prune juice, and one 4 oz bottle for juice. We will also added ziplocs and a syringe for medicine dispensing to our list. Oh, and we'll only take enough diapers and a travel size wipes for the 1st day and the trip back...we'll buy diapers and wipes there.
We're going to work on decorating the bath room today. I'll post a picture later on.
That's a good idea to bring plastic tongs, because they won't supply those in your hotel room! Happy packing!
Scented trashbags were a lifesaver. The hotel trashcans are very small and get full very quickly, plus when you have to change diapers out they really help.
Sounds like you are almost ready..
Can't wait to see the bathroom.
Have a Great Weekend..
I love watching you count down the sleeps til China! I can't believe it's just in the teens now! That 19 just seems like such a small number now. But I'm sure to you time has slowed way down!
Happy Holidays!
China diapers are NOT like our diapers no matter how good they are. We were so thankful to have our American diapers for the trip home...I think I saved out about 10 to 12...let's just say we changed alot of diapers and went thru 6 outfits or so. Because of the good diapers I didn't have to change clothes 6 times...I think you get the picture. I can't wait for you to travel.
After you have everything packed, stick snacks in every nook and cranny. We took as many snacks as possible and boy am I glad we did, especially on the plane. The food was not always appetizing on the airplane and 15 hours is a LONG time. We stuffed Slim Jims, crackers, Fruit Roll Ups, etc. in every available space. Don't forget the Duct Tape!!!! On the way home our suitcase busted open at the train station and thank God for the Duct Tape. We taped it up as best we could and our souveniers made it home just fine.
Powdered individual packets of pedialyte (just in case of diarrhea). Not easy to find, but can be a real life saver.
Best of luck to you. Can't wait to see Lauren in your arms.
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