On the flip side, my heart goes out to my friends Nancy and Brian, who missed the cut off by one darn day! Nancy was so hoping that this would be the month, but was also trying not to get her hopes up too much. But, how can you help it?? This wait is so dang long, that it much be just torture towards the end. Nancy, I know you are going to get totally sick and tired of hearing this one, but at least you KNOW you are next and I can't wait to see Lily's face next month!
My friend, Jennifer, had her annual Halloween pumpkin carving party again this year and it's tradition that the night before we get together and make caramel apples and treats for the party. This year we got together at my place. The first task was unwrapping bags and bags of caramel. As you can imagine, not all the caramels made it into the bowl!

Here's my niece, Katie, and nephew, Joshua, dipping the apples...

The best part is eating the left over caramel after all the apples are dipped!!

Next we made these adorable little marshmallow witches made with chocolate wafer cookies, mini peanut putter cups, and Hershey kisses as the hats. We had an assembly line going...

On Sunday, it was off to the park for the pumpkin carving party. The weather was beautiful and everyone had a great time. Here's some of my favorite pumpkins...

One of the party guests happened to be a balloon artist and he created this monkey in a tree hat for my niece, Emily. That's one talent you need to keep to yourself unless you want a long line of kids by your side!

Next year, I want to be invited to YOUR halloween pumpkin carving party!!! That looked like so much fun and so festive!
You know how to do a party!
That caramel looks sooooo yummy :0)
What fun to have Hallooween traditions like that! The carmeled apples sounds so delicous.... So creative on the witches!!! Lovin' the pumpkins!!! Oh man, isn't halloween the greatest!!??
Those are some awesome pumpkins. And.. you are right.. there is NOTHING like warm caramel!! Absolutely love it!
Oh, I rushed over here thinking you had a January LID and were out of the review room and here I find out it is mid-February. Well, you should soon be out of the review room and waiting ever more impatiently to see your daughter's face. Kathryn.
Great pictures...it looks like you all had a blast!
That looks like so much fun! Great halloweenie ideas.
Keep smilin!
MMMMmmmmmmmmm......no wonder you savoured that carmel apple all night!!!!! Looks soooooo good!!!!!
I'd skip a meal for that!! ;)
so much fun - Won't you be MY neighbor??? ;)
You have the best parties!! Thanks for moving us up on your list, I now can't wait to travel!!!
Looks like fun!! Cool designs on the pumpkins. Next year Lauren will be at the party, woooo-hoooo!
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