I picked up this adorable Classic Pooh dress...

and these separate pieces for just $2 to $4 each. Who could pass this up, right?

I got all sizes 18 and 24 month this time. I'm taking the advise of everyone who responded to my last post and I'm returning the 6 month and the plain 9 month onesies to Carters. I am keeping the two onesies with the cute sayings on them in size 9 month since my friend Shannon, mommy to twin 2 year old boys (Jack & Palmer), turned me on to these handy little onesie extenders from One Step Ahead. These look great for extending the length and getting more use out of onesies, especially if they are worn with skirts or pants so the extenders won't be seen. Shannon, thanks for the great tip! I'm definitely ordering these.

Sheer Cuteness!
Hey there - You got me thinking (and that can be dangerous ;-P) ...Speaking of unique baby things, have you been to www.RightStart.com? I don't know if they have the stores out by you, but I LOVE this store. Lots of things you won't find elsewhere. You might check them out. They carry high-end baby gadgets and gear, and a lot of learning toys, books, videos, etc. that you won't find at other baby places. Since you're in the shop mode, I thought you might like this (unless you've already been there!).
Cute outfits!! I have been a crazy shopping manic myself lately!!
Those extenders look very handy!
You GO GIRL!!! Target is so fun, I enjoy looking for the cute bargains and you found some treasures! LOVE THE ONESIES EXTENSIONS! Excellent tip. :)
You've been doing good girl!!! I have had to stop my shopping for awhile...things were getting out of hand and with the wait so long, the girl was going to have too much:) But I can live through your shopping adventures...keep it coming:)
Wow.. I never realized they made onesie extenders. What a great idea. I'll have to share that idea with my dil2b as well. I've not done any shopping. I purchased 3 little outfits when we were first DTC but nothing since then. I just can't get in the mood since the wait has gotten so very long.
Love the deals! And thanks for sharing that extender site. I never even heard of them. Cool stuff! I am sticking to 12 plus at minimum. Also, very non seasonal.
Keep smilin!
Oh I am glad you liked the idea of the snap extenders!! They really do work!! They make the clothes last so much longer!
Hope and I had dinner last night with the boys!! But I promise Jack saved a TON of hugs for you!!!
Criminy, those are cute! I love that dress!
You see, this is what I'm saying - how are we ever gonna quit the addiction? We always feel the need for just one more fix!!
I just found your blog and I can see that you have the same addiction I did while waiting for our daughter...Shopping! I loved the shopping and really went overboard. Buy books, hairbows and socks...they take up less room and are still fun. I also bought scrapbooking supplies for a life book. Hang in there...this too shall pass, and you WILL have your daughter in your arms. Good luck!
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