Thursday, December 22, 2005

Frown turned upside down!!!

I posted a little earlier this evening that I was bummed out. Well, it's amazing how quickly my emotions can turn around! Since then, Joe walked in the door with the mail and handed me our usual stack of junk. As I'm sorting through it, I notice a US Department of Immigration envelope peeking out from between the ads. Could it possibly be it...the all important I-171H form??? Yes, it is!! Three weeks and two days after our fingerprinting!

It's a very unofficial looking form, but it does say Notice of Favorable Determination Concerning Application for Advance Processing of Orphan Petition. Sounds like we're approved to me!

Now, I have to head over to the Secretary of State's office and get a bunch of stuff certified. There's a goofy affidavit I need to sign and have notarized swearing that we received our I-171H and it is an original copy, and our agency said to wait until we actually get the I-171H to complete the affidavit (instead of cheating, like I wanted to do and have it done before hand).

After I get everything certified it's all off to our agency to be authenticated at the Washington, DC Chinese Consulate office. If all goes well, we'll be DTC for sure in January!


Donna said...

Congratulations! An early Christmas present! I hope there are more happy "early" surprises in your future.

Merry Christmas!

Mom to Gwen of Shenzhen!

Shannon said...

YAY for the 171! That is a pretty fabulous Christmas present. Congrats!

Kim said...

I just knew you were going to get it this week! Now it's time to get busy with the sealing process. You WILL be DTC in January, girlfriend!!!

Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

We recieved our 171h on the day after you, the 23rd. What awesome Christmas presents for all of us!

I was born and raised in Phx, and moved away 2 yrs ago. I'll be back down on the 30th, to visit family/friends and thaw out a bit.

Again , congrats, and I'm doing a happy dance for you too!